Yes, I did.
I was in such a misunderstanding problem. On 6 AM. I wanted to cry but I was alone. Then I went to school. The first friend I saw was Priscilla, my lovely Icil, as she was stepping out of her car. I looked at her, and I cried. In our school's front gate, yes. In front of other students, yes.
Then she accompanied me to my last. My eyes were fully teared; everything was blurry. Then I saw Bunbun. Then I cried. Then I saw Regine. Then I cried. And it happened again and again.
When the school's bell rang, my whole class had known that I was crying, but they remained silent. Poor me, it was me who got to be the one to read the daily reflection that day. So, I stood up and swept my tears. Stand up. Walk to the front. Open the reflection book. Read the first sentence. And cried.
It was like hell. I was sobbing. I said, "Hold a second," then I tried to sweep my tears. But my crying got worse. The whole class was amazed. Then Bun replaced me to read the reflection and I got back to my seat. And cried. A lot.
My father-like homeclass teacher, Mr. Andy (Yes, which birthday we celebrate, then we got suspended. Yes, that one.) asked me what happened. Aaw, he was such a caring homeroom teacher. But then I cried badly in front of him. My whole class was watching. I told him I had such unimportant problem that morning, and all I wanted to do was crying. He let me cry.
He continued his teaching. The class started learning. Then it was my turn to read the sentence. And guess what, my sentence was; "To stop his crying, the little boy (blablabla I forgot)"
Mr. Andy said, "This sentence is so you!"
Then I laughed... together with tears.