
Welcome, welcome. I decided to create this blog after a mild enlightenment that (1) I love food-related games and food-related films; and I want to write about that, and (2) posts about the previous statement wouldn't be relevant on my melodramatic poetic blog.

08/08/18 -
Still figuring out how to modify this theme (my skills are dulled, ok) so in the meantime please bear with this boring-other-blog theme.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our last Saturday; Harry Potter, and the upcoming exams

So, last Saturday could possibly be our last happy Saturday coming this time, because we're facing our end-of-term exams; and it's ripping our souls away! (A little bit hyperbolic is a must!)

By the way, I got 87.5 on my last Biology test, such an another miraculous mark; I'm so touched, I want to cry :')

Last Saturday, Ingrid, Inke, Regine, Devi, Ilena, and me went to Sutos to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1! Whoa the movie itself was great and I cried a couple of times because some of the scenes are just touching. For your info I have finished the book long time ago because I'm in love with HP and that kind of book ;)

Ingrid wasn't suppose to hangout with us (she wanted to study, wow) but knowing us girls are gonna have some fun, she didn't wanna be left behind. Oh yeah, Icil was hospitalized for DB! Get better soon, Icil :*

Here are some pictures of Ingrid, Inke, and I in the evening:
(We have lunch at My Kopi O, but I'm gonna separate it on another post because we had so much fun there)
We had dinner at one Sushi place which didn't taste as reasonable as its price :|

Inke and Ingrid. Inke left shortly after this picture is taken because her father had been waiting on her.

Taken by the  nice but too talkative waitress ;p

My Rock and Roll Sushi, love it!

Not that good actually, a little bit too salty.

Ingrid and Yoan posing during the dinner

Ingrid finishing her Unagi Donburi

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